Customer service it’s not rocket science
Increasingly companies are paying more attention to the quality of service delivery as a competitive tool. Customer care as a profit source means quite simply that everyday your team are creating and seizing opportunities for customers to buy, as the level of service determines the customer spend.
Frogmore uses the Mystery Customer process to measure and monitor their client’s service levels there is nothing like an unbiased opinion from a trained researcher to determine the customer experience first-hand.
However there are many other ways of measuring and improving service levels try using Frogmore’s top five quick review techniques:
Review - Team Morale: how happy are your team. High morale = high sales
Review - Service Standards: check they are visible and embeded
Review - Internal Marketing: make sure you tell your team before telling the customer whats on offer
Review – Measurement Procedures: if you cant measure it you cant manage it
and finally review customer feedback systems and ensure the voice of the customer is driving your business forwards in the right direction.
Frogmore Consulting is an expert in Customer Experience Management if you need advice